MKB [consisting of MK, BB, RM and JT] tour Europe in late March and early April. First time the MKB tours Europe.
In May MK joins Joe Satriani for a 3 month European tour, bringing along Bryan Beller and Marco Minnemann. So basically KMB, fronted by Satriani. Followed by the Joe Satriani USA tour (August-October) and then in December a Mike Keneally Band California tourrette. Between the Satriani tours grab your chance to see Bryan’s band The Aristocrats in action.
The Tour Chronology: 2013
January 5, 2013 – private, Cardiff-By-The-Sea, CA
A PRIVATE HOUSE CONCERT with Mike Keneally and Rick Musallam
playing music from Mike’s new album co-written with Andy Partridge Wing Beat Fantastic and more
personnel: MK, RM
January 25, 2013 – The Loft @UCSD, La Jolla, CA
opening for Terry Bozzio, Alex Machacek and Jimmy Johnson
personnel: MK
Mike Keneally Band
in Europe!
with special guests Godsticks

note from MK:
“As you’ve noticed we’re doing this tour as a quartet, as logistics made it impossible to do it with any more musicians, and I do want to say a special word to Griff Peters, the hugely valued fifth member of the 5-man Keneally Band, who plays a gorgeous guitar and will be very much missed on this journey.”
March 20, 2013 – Borderline, London, UK
personnel: MK, BB, RM, JT
setlist: Frozen Beef, I’m Raining Here Inside, Lightnin’ Roy, Hallmark, Tranquillado, Backwards Deb, Dolphins/Bullys/Choosing To Drown/Quimby/Panda, Wing Beat Fantastic, Your House, Hum, Seven Percent Grade, Bobeau, Cause Of Breakfast [info by Stephen Willerton]
MK comments [fb]:
“Amazing night last night at the Borderline in London, after a very trying day! Audience so welcoming and the band completely killing – one of my favorite shows ever, I think. Thank you all! Tonight is Cardiff!”
March 21, 2013 – Clwb Ifor Bach, Cardiff, Wales, UK
personnel: MK, BB, RM, JT
setlist: Frozen Beef, I’m Raining Here Inside, Lightnin’ Roy, Voyage To Manhood (with 2 false starts!), You Kill Me, Quimby/Top Of Stove Melting, Hum, Own, Wing Beat Fantastic, Your House, Tranquillado, (about 30 seconds of Jazz Discharge Party Hats), Dolphins/Bullys/That’s Why I Have No Name, Seven Percent Grade, Cause Of Breakfast [Bobeau got dropped due to time] [info by Stephen Willerton]
March 22, 2013 – Night ‘n Day, Manchester, UK
personnel: MK, BB, RM, JT
setlist: Frozen Beef, Pride Is A Sin, I’m Raining Here Inside, Bobeau, Hum, Backwards Deb, You Kill Me, Tranquillado, Your House, Dolphins/1988/Bullys/Voyage To Manhood, Seven Percent Grade, Spoonguy/Uglytown, Cause Of Breakfast. Encore: Potato [info by Stephen Willerton/Kieran Fleck]
tape: audio and video 1 2 3
MK comments [fb]:
“Really enjoyed the show in Manchester last night even though the horrible weather in the UK at the moment was a definite dampener – I’m very sorry about the nearly 40 pre-paid ticket holders who weren’t able to make it to the show because of road closures. We’ll try to make it back at a nicer time of the year next time, but who could have predicted the weather would be like this?
Somehow the weather didn’t pose much of a problem for us getting to Manchester yesterday, or to Newcastle today, but it may have been a factor in the half-hour wait for a cab to get us from the hotel to the venue in time for the gig.
Manchester audiences are special. Many who spoke to me after the show were shaking with emotion, grateful that we were able to make it, but one guy in the audience was apparently saying “where’s Guthrie?” (meaning Guthrie Govan, genius guitarist with Bryan’s band The Aristocrats and absolute sweetheart) during the show. My delicate sensibilities were protected at the time by earplugs and hearing damage, but Bryan was ready to hop off the stage and do other sorts of damage to the guy. He’s very protective of me, it’s quite sweet. I wished in retrospect that I had heard him because it would have been nice to answer on the spot with the only proper response: “he’s on the road with Steven Wilson, and why on earth did you expect to see him at a Keneally show, you daft cunt?””
March 23, 2013 – The Cluny, Newcastle, UK
With Matt Stevens
personnel: MK, BB, RM, JT
setlist: Frozen Beef, Backwards Deb, Skunk/Top Of Stove Melting, Tranquillado, You Kill Me, Dolphins/Bullys/Choosing To Drown, I’m Raining Here Inside, Seven Percent Grade, Bobeau, Hum, Your House, Hallmark, Cowlogy, Cause Of Breakfast [info by Stephen Willerton]
notes: Stephen wrote: “And it was one of the best gigs I’ve ever been to!”
MK comments [fb]:
“Last night in Newcastle: best show of the tour. Played to the smallest audience (of course – that’s always the way it goes). Many, many thanks to an absolutely beautiful crowd, and to the wonderful Matt Stevens for a magical opening set. Godsticks were brilliant too, as usual.”
March 24, 2013 – The Voodoo Rooms, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
personnel: MK, BB, RM, JT
setlist: Frozen Beef, Quimby/Top Of Stove Melting, I’m Raining Here Inside, Hallmark, Hum, Wing Beat Fantastic, Seven Percent Grade, You Kill Me, Tranquillado, Pride Is A Sin, Your House, Dolphins/Lightnin’ Roy, Cowlogy, Cause Of Breakfast. Encore (as requested by someone* in the crowd): My Dilemma” [info by Stephen Willerton]
*I received this e-mail from Enrico Iorio:
“My name is Enrico and I came form Italy (Bergamo, a city near Milan) especially to see MKB in Edinburgh.
It was definitely the best live music experience of my life.
At the end of the show Mike asks: “any request?” And I yelled “MY DILEMMA!” And he said: “Good call!” and the band starts an unbelievable version of the song.
I am not on facebook (my girlfriend and soon to be wife Daniela Brioli is on FB …I’m quite a “parasite”).
So, please, can you indicate my name “for the History” on the MK tour chronology?
Thanks, I appreciate…
Enrico Iorio“
MK comments [fb 03/27/2013]:
“Edinburgh two nights ago: another beautifully heartfelt reception from a wonderful bunch of folks. The sound of my guitar where I was standing onstage was unbelievably weird and everything I did to try to mitigate it made it worse – but apparently it didn’t come across that way to the crowd, so it was some strange out-of-phase amalgam of my amp, the monitors and the PA speaker which was hanging directly above my head and which I heard at least as well as the monitor. I still had a good time but felt sad that I was delivering this miserable simulacrum of a “guitar tone” to such a wonderful crowd, but Darran Charles of Godsticks, who would never shy away from telling me if something is horribly wrong, and in fact might even relish it as a means of supporting his worldview that EVERYTHING is horribly wrong, said that it sounded fantastic in the room. In other words, phew!
That was the fifth of five gigs in a row in the UK, and the last – thank you all who attended, helped, TRIED to attend (sorry again Manchester), or were in any way a part of the gigs. Yes, in response to the many who asked – we’ll be back.
Then we drove for thirteen hours in the van while Joe Travers alternately DJ’d and VJ’d (yes! A DVD player in the van which actually works, but is set safely back in the vehicle so as not to distract whoever is driving, which is either Steve or Darran from Godsticks – believe me when I say there is NO WAY this tour would be happening were it not for Godsticks’ gobsmacking generosity), slept in Dover, then ferried yesterday from Dover to the continent and drove another seven or so hours to Tilburg here.”
March 27, 2013 – Paradox, Tilburg, The Netherlands
Also the world premiere of MK’s composition “Metrolinofenagea”, a piece for 4 saxophones, performed by the Dutch Koh-I-Noor Saxofoonkwartet.
personnel: MK, BB, RM, JT
setlist: Frozen Beef, Backwards Deb, Hallmark, Hum, I’m Raining Here Inside, Choosing To Drown, Bobeau, You Kill Me, Tranquillado, Quimby>Stove, Seven Percent, Your House, Dolphins>Lightnin’Roy, Cowlogy, Cause Of Breakfast. Encores: Spoonguy (vocal/instrumental), Uglytown [info by AA and Dennis Versteeg, who came to the rescue because the photo I took of the setlist was incomplete, and I’m not good at this kind of stuff]
tape: audio broadcast on Dutch Radio6 on June 2, guerilla audio and video exist [paul berkholst youtube]
notes: The Chronologist was present. Also check out Frank Hurkmans’ review for The Blues Alone.
MK comments [fb 03/28/2013]:
“Not much time to write, but last night in Tilburg was ferocious, and I’ll post a small excerpt later from the sax quartet run-through (and maybe a small bit of footage of Bryan sleeping on the floor of a laundromat) […]”

March 28, 2013 – Cafe Central, Weinheim, Germany
personnel: MK, BB, RM, JT
setlist: Frozen Beef, Skunk, Top Of Stove Melting, Quimby, Panda, (HiHat/Bass Impro), I’m Raining Here Inside, Hum, You Kill Me, Hallmark, Tranquillado, Own, (Young Drummer’s Guide To ELP), Your House, (Joe says ‘Hi” to) Rhiannon, Seven Percent Grade, Voyage To Manhood, Ankle Bracelet, Cause Of Breakfast, Choosing To Drown [info by Ulrich Mrosek]
tape: audio exists
March 29, 2013 – Paradiso [kleine zaal], Amsterdam, Netherlands
personnel: MK, BB, RM, JT
setlist: Frozen Beef, Skunk, Tpo Of Stove Melting, Quimby, Panda, I’m Raining Here Inside, Dolphins, You Kill Me, Hallmark, Seven Percent Grade, Your House, Voyage To Manhood, Ankle Bracelet, Cause Of Breakfast. Encore: My Dilemma [info by Paul Berkholst]
tape: audio and video exist [paul berkholst youtube]

MK comments [fb 03/30/2013]:
“Oh, but I am so behind in my writings. The day after Tilburg rattled us a bit (strange sound onstage making it difficult for our rhythm section lads to communicate with one another in a full-on hands-across-the-stage Vulcan-Coltrane-mind-soul-melding), we had a glorious night in Weinheim, Germany, the best show of the tour, for us anyway. Then, still riding that wave we had an awfully fun evening at the Paradiso in Amsterdam last night (doubly inspired by having Joe Travers leap out of the van in the middle of a traffic jam on the way from Weinheim to Amsterdam, and do some robot dancing on the street – far too quickly for any of us to get our cameras out to document it, alack).
Now we’ve arrived in Heiligenhaus. Will you? Will you?”
March 30, 2013 – Der Club, Heiligenhaus, Germany
personnel: MK, BB, RM, JT
setlist: Frozen Beef, Ankle Bracelet, Quimby, Stove, I’m Raining Here Inside, Hum, You Kill Me, Tranquillado, Bobeau, Seven Percent Grade, Your House, Choosing To Drown, Hallmark, Voyage To Manhood, Lightnin’ Roy, Cause Of Breakfast. Encores: Cowlogy, Pride Is A Sin
March 31, 2013 – Bergkeller, Reichenbach, Germany
personnel: MK, BB, RM, JT
April 2, 2013 – Kellerperle, Würzburg, Germany
personnel: MK, BB, RM, JT
MK comments [fb 04/02/2013]: “Tomorrow night we play Würzburg. April 22 will be the 25th anniversary of me being forced to do a pretty ridiculous Johnny Cash impersonation and sing the wrong words to “Ring Of Fire” at a Zappa show in Würzburg, so I think there’s a good chance I’ll do it again at this gig, ’cause why not. I could take the opportunity to right a 25-year old wrong and actually learn the proper lyrics to the song. Wonder how that’ll go.”
April 3, 2013 – Spirit of 66, Verviers, Belgium
personnel: MK, BB, RM, JT
MK comments [fb 04/03/2013]: “Godsticks have been playing a beautiful version of Zappa’s “Echidna’s Arf (Of You)” on this tour – I’ll be joining them on the song, tonight at Spirit of 66 in Verviers, Belgium.”
April 4, 2013 – Music Academy International, Nancy, France
Students Only
personnel: MK, BB, RM, JT
setlist: Frozen Beef, Choosing To Drown, Tranquillado, Hum, I’m Raining Here Inside, Voyage To Manhood, Hallmark, Quimby, Top Of Stove Melting, Your House, Seven Percent Grade, Dolphins, Cause Of Breakfast
notes: MK joined Godsticks on Echidna’s Arf (Of You)
Joe Satriani’s Europe 2013 Tour
Mike Keneally plays keyboards and guitar
on Joe Satriani’s Europe 2013 Tour
with Bryan Beller (bass) and Marco Minnemann (drums)!

May 18, 2013 | KucukCiftlik Park | Istanbul, TR |
May 20, 2013 | Sala Palatului | Bucharest, RO |
May 22, 2013 | Tvornica Kulture | Zagreb, HR |
May 24, 2013 | Sava Centar | Belgrade, SRB |
May 25, 2013 | Cvetlicarna | Ljubljana, SI |
May 26, 2013 | Velvet Rock Club | Rimini, IT |
May 28, 2013 | Palapartenope | Napoli, IT |
May 29, 2013 | Atlantico Live | Roma, IT |
May 30, 2013 | Live Club | Milano, IT |
May 31, 2013 | Obihall | Firenze, IT |
June 1, 2013 | Gran Teatro Geox | Padova, IT |
June 3, 2013 | Grand Rex | Paris, FR |
June 4, 2013 | Cirque Royal | Brussels, BE |
June 5, 2013 | 013 | Tilburg, NL |
June 6, 2013 | De Oosterpoort | Groningen, NL |
June 8, 2013 | O2 Apollo | Manchester, England GB |
June 9, 2013 | Royal Concert Hall | Glasgow, Scotland GB |
June 10, 2013 | City Hall | Newcastle, England GB |
June 11, 2013 | Philharmonic Hall | Liverpool, England GB |
June 12, 2013 | Colston Hall | Bristol, England GB |
June 13, 2013 | Civic Hall | Wolverhampton, England GB |
June 15, 2013 | City Hall | Sheffield, England GB |
June 16, 2013 | Guildhall | Portsmouth, England GB |
June 17, 2013 | O2 Shepherds Bush Empire | London, England GB |
June 18, 2013 | indogO2 | London, England GB |
June 20, 2013 | Capitol | Hannover, DE |
June 21, 2013 | Jovel Music Hall | Münster, DE |
June 22, 2013 | Fabrik | Hamburg, DE |
June 23, 2013 | Columbiahalle | Berlin, DE |
June 24, 2013 | Haus Auensee | Leipzig, DE |
June 26, 2013 | Serenadenhof | Nürnberg, DE |
June 27, 2013 | E Werk Köln | Cologne, DE |
June 28, 2013 | Phönix-Halle Mainz | Mainz, DE |
June 29, 2013 | Theaterhaus | Stuttgart, DE |
June 30, 2013 | Tonhalle | Munich, DE |
July 2, 2013 | Big Box | Kempton, DE |
July 3, 2013 | Gasometer | Vienna, AT |
July 4, 2013 | Loket Amphitheatre | Loket, CZ |
July 6, 2013 | Stodola | Warsaw, PL |
July 9, 2013 | A2 | St. Petersburg, RU |
July 10, 2013 | Moscow Arena | Moscow, RU |
July 12, 2013 | KSK Express | Rostov-on-Don, RU |
July 13, 2013 | Arena Hall | Krasnodar, RU |
August 10, 2013 – Hollywood Improv, Los Angeles CA
Brendon Small & Friends
personnel: MK, JT, Brendon Small, Thundercat
Joe Satriani’s USA 2013 Tour
Mike Keneally plays keyboards and guitar
on Joe Satriani’s USA 2013 Tour
with Bryan Beller (bass) and Marco Minnemann (drums)!
August 29, 2013 | Balboa Theatre | San Diego, CA |
August 30, 2013 | Pearl Concert Theatre at Palm Springs | Las Vegas, NV |
August 31, 2013 | Orpheum Theatre | Los Angeles, CA |
September 1, 2013 | Talking Stick Resort Ballroom | Scottsdale, AZ |
September 2, 2013 | Kiva Auditorium | Albuquerque, NM |
September 4, 2013 | Historic Paramount Theatre | Denver, CO |
September 5, 2013 | Wagner Noel Performing Arts Center | Midland, TX |
September 6, 2013 | Verizon Theatre at Grand Prairie | Grand Prairie, TX |
September 7, 2013 | House of Blues | Houston, TX |
September 8, 2013 | Austin City Limits – Moody Theater | Austin, TX |
September 10, 2013 | House of Blues | New Orleans, LA |
September 11, 2013 | Ruth Eckerd Hall | Clearwater, FL |
September 12, 2013 | Parker Playhouse | Fort Lauderdale, FL |
September 13, 2013 | Hard Rock Live | Orlando, FL |
September 14, 2013 | Saenger Theatre | Pensacola, FL |
September 15, 2013 | Symphony Hall | Atlanta, GA |
September 17, 2013 | War Memorial Auditorium | Nashville, TN |
September 18, 2013 | Chicago Theatre | Chicago, IL |
September 19, 2013 | Lakewood Civic Auditorium | Lakewood, OH |
September 20, 2013 | Taft Theatre | Cincinatti, OH |
September 21, 2013 | Wings Stadium | Kalamazoo, MI |
September 22, 2013 | Macomb Music Theatre | Mt. Clemens, MI |
September 24, 2013 | The Carolina Theatre | Durham, NC |
September 25, 2013 | The Warner Theatre | Washington, DC |
September 26, 2013 | Beacon Theatre | New York, NY |
September 27, 2013 | Orpheum Theatre | Boston, MA |
September 28, 2013 | Tower Theatre | Upper Darby, PA |
September 29, 2013 | Carnegie Music Hall of Homestead | Munhall, PA |
October 1, 2013 | University of Buffalo Center for the Arts | Buffalo, NY |
October 2, 2013 | Palace Theatre | Albany, NY |
October 3, 2013 | State Theatre | Portland, ME |
October 4, 2013 | Centre at Casino New Brunswick | Moncton, NB CA |
October 5, 2013 | Rebecca Cohn Auditorium | Halifax, NS CA |
October 7, 2013 | Capitole Theatre | Quebec City, QC CA |
October 8, 2013 | National Arts Centre | Ottawa, ON CA |
October 9, 2013 | Theatre St. Denis | Montreal, QC CA |
October 10, 2013 | Centre in the Square | Kitchener, ON CA |
October 11, 2013 | Massey Hall | Toronto, ON CA |
October 14, 2013 | Burton Cummings Theatre | Winnipeg, MB CA |
October 15, 2013 | TCU Place | Saskatoon, SK CA |
October 16, 2013 | Northern Jubilee Auditorium | Edmonton, AB CA |
October 17, 2013 | Southern Jubilee Auditorium | Calgary, AB CA |
October 19, 2013 | Vogue Theatre | Vancouver, BC CA |
October 21, 2013 | Fox Theatre | Spokane, WA |
October 22, 2013 | Paramount Theatre | Seattle, WA |
October 23, 2013 | Elsinore Theatre | Salem, OR |
October 25, 2013 | Vina Robles Amphitheatre | Paso Robles, CA |
October 26, 2013 | Fox Theater | Oakland, CA |
November 23, 2013 – Hollywood Improv, Los Angeles CA
Brendon Small & Friends
personnel: MK, JT, Brendon Small, Pete Griffin
December 2, 2013 – Largo at the Coronet, Los Angeles CA
Brendon Small & Friends
personnel: MK, JT, Brendon Small, Pete Griffin

Mike Keneally Band California Tourette 2013
December 6, 2013 – The Baked Potato, Studio City CA
personnel: MK, JT, BB, RM
December 7, 2013 – The Loft @ UCSD, La Jolla CA
personnel: MK, JT, BB, RM
December 12, 2013 – Biscuits & Blues, San Francisco CA
personnel: MK, JT, BB, RM
Early show – set 1: Intro, Hum, Skunk, Cornbread Crumb, Kidzapunk, Pitch Pipe, Your House, Cave Dweller, Beautiful, Spoon Guy, Uglytown, Popes, Frozen Beef (Come With Me), Why Am I Your Guy?, My Dilemma
Late show – set 2: Intro – “This isn’t a song or anything”, Them Dolphins Is Smart > 1988 Was A Million Years Ago > Yep, Them Dolphins Is Smart, Alright, Own, Frankenstein tease, Cornbread Crumb, TRANQUILLADO, Devo interlude, Voyage To Manhood, improv jam > Immigrant Song, Cave Dweller, I’m Raining Here, Inside, Kidzapunk, Pitch Pipe, Cowlogy, ‘Cause Of Breakfast [info by Paul Berkholst]
tape: audio exists
December 13, 2013 – The Jambalaya, Arcata CA
personnel: MK, JT, BB, RM
setlist: Hum, Skunk, Cornbread Crumb, Kidzapunk, Pitch Pipe, Frozen Beef, Cave Dweller, Beautiful, Them Dolphins Is Smart > 1988 Was A Million Years Ago > Yep, Them Dolphins Is Smart, Alright, Voyage to Manhood, Popes, My Dilemma, Spoon Guy/Uglytown, Cowlogy, ‘Cause of Breakfast [info by Ben Guerard]

photo: Ben Guerard