For something like a year now, I’ve been posting all sorts of things from my audio and paper archives to my Patreon page, along with exclusive videos and frequent livestream hangouts with patrons and all kinds of stuff. It is so freaking fun. I’m excited about creating a varied collection of my work there which is continually growing, and the connection with all the extremely cool people who have joined me there. I love being at Patreon, and if you’re interested in me and what I do, it’s really something you should know about.

One of the signature characteristics of Patreon is the “tiered” subscriber system – you can join at different money levels – and, on a lot of Patreon pages, the less you pay, the less stuff you get access to. Not at my page! Nuh uh! The main four monthly subscriber levels ($5, $10, $25 and $50) all get the same access to exactly the same posts – it’s just about how much support you, the patron, are generous enough to offer in return for the material I’m putting up.
It’s turned into a wonderful community, and it’s been a blessing in my life, during the last year and a half with absolutely no live music work, to have Patreon emerge as a support system. I’m grateful for everyone who’s a patron, and if you’re not one yet, I hope you’ll consider checking the place out soon: