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Hello Keneallistians! Making this quick ’cause it’s Sarah’s birthday and we’re about to go out for lunch, but we wanted to let you know that today is the official release date for You Must Be This Tall.
It’s been pre-orderable for a couple of weeks as a CD + download, but as of today it’s fully officially available – and for those of you who have enough three-dimensional objects in your life, it’s now available as a download-only purchase if you wish.
If you buy the download directly from us you will also get the full album artwork as it appears in the CD package – even including the label art (we are obsessive about such things). Available in both mp3 and FLAC options for the same low, low, low, low, low price.
You can also check out a collage of song samples there. And some reviews are coming in here, here and here (broken link).
The response to the album has been really wonderful so far. Thanks to everyone who’s had such nice things to say about it!
It’s pretty out there. But in a good way, I think – I’m really thrilled with this album. I think all of the composition, arranging, production and playing is strong and it all just comes off right, to my ears.
There’s a lot of guitar playing on it, a lot of crazy writing, and we focused hard on doing mixes which got the best out of the arrangements. A number of people who don’t lie to me have said they think it might be my best album. I sure can’t say, but I know I really enjoy hearing it.
I play a lot of the instruments myself, and also had some killer assistance on key tracks from Bryan Beller, Marco Minnemann, Joe Travers, Rick Musallam, Missy Andersen and Andy Partridge (Andy plays guitar on the song “Indicator,” an additional composition from the songwriting sessions that resulted in Wing Beat Fantastic).
The title song was written for the Metropole Orkest in 2006 for a live performance with Peter Tiehuis; this recording is my original version of it, shined up all nicely for you.
There’s a phenomenally strange song called “Kidzapunk” which has an insane Minnemann performance and various indefensible sounds. There are epic guitar hero moves on “Pitch Pipe” and “The Rider” (that one also has a beautiful vocal from Missy Andersen). Some moody electronics on “Bolarius” and “5th St.” Some utter insanity on “Glop.” A prog standard in the making in “Cavanaugh.”