THE KENEALLIST: Out-Of-Print You Must Be This Tall Returns This Bandcamp Friday!

Heya, fellow humans! How’s it going? I aim love at you!
Links to You Must Be This Tall go live at 11:59 p.m. PST Thursday night, February 29!
You Must Be This Tall from 2013 is probably one of the less-discussed titles in my album catalogue, but I think it’s really nifty.
I’ve been thinking more about this album since the BFD gigs at the Baked Potato a few weeks ago, during which the song “Cornbread Crumb” was featured pretty heavily (as it will be again at our upcoming gigs at Alvas). The album is an eclectic collection of mostly instrumental material (although there are four vocal tracks, including “The Rider” which is one of my most classic-rock-type tunes), largely played by me, and I think it makes for a very involving listen.
The CD has been out of print for a while, so when Scott Chatfield proposed it as the newest addition to our Bandcamp roster for this week’s Bandcamp Friday, I metaphorically leapt to my feet, and literally said “yes!” with great enthusiasm.
Fortifying this Bandcamp release is the addition of three bonus tracks: “Pitch Pipe (Vocal Version)” (which is completely bonkers), “The Upkeep of My Volcano” (a radical reinvention of the song “Kidzapunk”), and “Popes Instrumental Mix” (which is just groovy as heck). Plus some additional artwork and promo ephemera which come to you alongside the complete original artwork in digital format. It’s a neat package of neat stuff.
Just in case you never got this album when it first came out, this might be a nice opportunity for you to invite it into your life. And even if you do have it already, perhaps the bonus enticements will, er, entice you.
It premieres on our Bandcamp page THIS FRIDAY, March 1, aka Bandcamp Friday. Yes! (And as yet another enticement, the artists get every cent o’ the dough you spend on Bandcamp Friday!)
Marcelo Radulovich and I released two albums last year, called Monday and Bask – now comes the sequel to the first one, the all-instrumental Tuesday (do you sense the beginning of a trend?).
This ongoing series of albums can be viewed as an episodic examination of Marcelo’s and my friendship and musical collaboration, which has gone on for decades now. Or can just be viewed as a bunch of really unusual and hopefully interesting music.
Tuesday has got a lot more of me on guitar than Monday did, but it’s a minimalistic approach compared to my usual playing, and almost cinematic at times in its vibe. Marcelo’s arrangements, production choices and multi-instrumental contributions remain as vibrant and unique as ever.
Please investigate Tuesday, which premieres on Bandcamp Friday, along with our other two collaborations and Marcelo’s many other stellar projects here.
Gonna sneak in a few gigs in March –
Mike Keneally & Beer For Dolphins (me, Rick Musallam, Pete Griffin and Joe Travers) will be appearing at Alvas in San Pedro on March 29 and 30, 8pm each night. These gigs are going to be absurd, I can tell already. You should be there.
Alvas is at 1417 W. 8th Street, San Pedro, California 90732. I love it there and I love this band.
If you go to this page and scroll downward, ticket links to both Alvas gigs await you.
And I will twice again be guesting with Joe Travers’ scintillating Zappa band, One Shot Deal…
first at The Grape in Ventura on March 9 (link here, click the purple button that says “8:00 PM show”)…

…and second at Campus Jax in Newport Beach on March 15. New room for me, I’m very into it. Tickets very, very easily located here.
‘twas nothing but a delight to appear recently on Devin’s podcast – if it pleases you, you can watch it on YouTube right here.
Now I’m gonna leave you to it! More later! ‘Bye!

Links to You Must Be This Tall go live at 11:59 p.m. PST Thursday night, February 29!