Now thru July 31, everything at The Mike Keneally Store is one-third off! Use the promo code THIRD OFF
There’s nothing we love more than numerology, and once we’d agreed that it was a nice idea to bring back the previously rapturously received one-third off sale at the Mike Keneally Store, it was decided that JULY 13-31 was the way to go.
So come on, folks! Shake off those cobwebs! Fill in those catalog gaps! If you celebrate Christmas-in-July like I know I do, get multiple copies of hat. or Evidence of Humanity or Wing Beat Fantastic T-shirts to give away as Christmas-in-July gifts in your neighborhood. You know your milkman wants a shiny copy of Dog in his pay packet! (What? You don’t have a milkman? What’s wrong with you?)
Anyway! You know what I’m saying!
Your friend for at least forever,