The Tar Tapes Vol.1
Mike Keneally
Released 1997
- Bring Me Wings
- Horserace
- Companion
- Waiting On Williams
- All For The Sake Of Sound
- Molehead Revisited
- Destiny Boy
- Open Up!
- Don’t Go In Caves
- Airport
- Performing Miracles
- Killer Fish
- Alarm
- Tug
- Pencil Music From “The New Secret City Adventures”
- Be Yourself Brian
- What Happened To The Dogs
(Immune Records)
released in 1997
Mike’s comments (1997):
A limited edition collection of live, studio and demo recordings from my non-illustrious past, drawn from a collection of five cassettes I’d once marketed via mail order (and which have been out of print for a number of years). Included in one copy was a “silver ticket” entitling the bearer to a new song, expressly about them, written and recorded by me and delivered to them on CD. At this writing (December 1997) there are still some copies of this CD available, but it won’t last long. [Editor’s note: The numbered series is sold out, but Suzanne at Immune tells me that there are a very few non-numbered, non-autographed CDs available.] Response to this release has been tremendous and there will certainly be further volumes in the series – look for the next one in 1998.
Below are the song titles, each followed by a brief description, the Tar Tape title from which it was excerpted and the year of its recording.
- BRING ME WINGS (a four-track home demo with MK on all instruments, from the cassette “Fashion Poisoning, recorded in 1986.)
- HORSERACE (a 16-track recording from Double Time studio featuring Drop Control [MK, Marty Keneally, Doug Booth and Alan Silverstein]), from “Your Way Bitchin’ Bonus Tape”, 1990.)
- COMPANION (4-track home demo with MK on all instruments, Mike and Marty on drum programming, from “The Wow Sound Of Affable Mort”, 1983.)
- WAITING ON WILLIAMS (live soundboard recording by Drop Control of a song subsequently remade for the “Mistakes” album, recorded at the Bacchanal in San Diego, from “Drop Control: Live/Studio 1986-1990”, 1989.
- ALL FOR THE SAKE OF SOUND (4-track home demo with MK on everything, from “Life’s A Butter Dream”, 1983.)
- MOLEHEAD REVISITED (MacIntosh soundfile with MK on keyboard and Scott Chatfield on orchestration, recorded at Chatfield Manor Number One, from “Your Way Bitchin’ Bonus Tape”, 1991.)
- DESTINY BOY (live soundboard by Drop Control at the Bacchanal, from “Drop Control: Live/Studio 1986-1990”, 1989.)
- OPEN UP! (4-track home demo with MK on everything of song subsequently remade for “hat.”, from “Fashion Poisoning”, 1986.)
- DON’T GO IN CAVES (4-track home demo with MK on everything, from “Elephants Walking Under God”, 1984.)
- AIRPORT (24-track recording at The Studio with MK on piano, from “Your Way Bitchin’ Bonus Tape”, 1989.)
- PERFORMING MIRACLES (16-track recording by Drop Control at Double Time of a song subsequently remade for “hat.”, from “Your Way Bitchin’ Bonus Tape”, 1990.)
- KILLER FISH (4-track home demo with MK on everything, from “Life’s A Butter Dream”, 1983.)
- ALARM (4-track home demo with MK on everything, from “Life’s A Butter Dream”, 1983.)
- TUG (4-track home demo with MK on everything, from “Fashion Poisoning”, 1986.)
- PENCIL MUSIC FROM “THE NEW SECRET CITY ADVENTURES” (16-track recording with MK on everything, recorded at Double Time, from “Your Way Bitchin’ Bonus Tape”, 1989.)
- BE YOURSELF BRIAN (live soundboard by Drop Control at the Bacchanal, from “Drop Control: Live/Studio 1986-1990”, 1989.)
- WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DogS (4-track home demo with MK on all instruments, Mike and Marty on drum programming, from “The Wow Sound Of Affable Mort”, 1983.)
The original five cassettes went through various artwork permutations during their existence. A very limited cassette release was prepared for the Japanese market shortly after the tapes were withdrawn from the American market. If you’d like to see the artwork I did for the Japanese issue, click on the individual titles below.
- Your Way Bitchin’ Bonus Tape Demos, studio and live recordings from 1988-1991 (1990) (Tar Tapes)
- Drop Control Studio and live recordings from 1986-1990 (1986/1990) (Tar Tapes)
- Fashion Poisoning Home demos from 1985-1986 (1986) (Tar Tapes)
- Life’s A Butter Dream/Elephants Walking Under God Home demos from 1983-1984 (1984) (Tar Tapes)
- The Wow Sound Of Affable Mort Home demos from 1982-1983 (1983) (Tar Tapes)
Immune / 001 / 1997 (cd)
MSI / 12117 / 1999 (cd)
Exowax / EX2201d / 2009 (download)
The Mike Keneally Discography
The Thing That Knowledge Can’t Eat | Scambot 2 | Inkling | Dancing Demos | Live At Mama Kin | You Must Be This Tall | Mike Keneally Free EP Volume 1 | Mike Keneally Free EP Volume 2 | Wing Beat Elastic-Remixes, Demos and Unheard Music | Wing Beat Fantastic: Songs Written by Mike Keneally & Andy Partridge | bakin’ @ the potato! | Evidence of Humanity | Elements Of A Manatee | Scambot 1 | Songs and Stories Inspired By Scambot 1 | The Scambot Holiday Special | Wine and Pickles | Guitar Therapy Live | Dog | Pup | Vai Piano Reductions Vol.1 | The Universe Will Provide | Parallel Universe | Wooden Smoke | Wooden Smoke Asleep | Dancing | Dancing With Myself… And Others | Nonkertompf | Nonkertalk | The Tar Tapes Vol.2 | Sluggo! | The Tar Tapes Vol.1 | Half Alive in Hollywood | Soap Scum Remover | The Mistakes | Boil That Dust Speck | hat. | Tar Tapes Vol.5 – Your Way Bitchin’ Bonus Tape | Tar Tapes Vol.4 – Drop Control | Tar Tapes Vol.3 – Fashion Poisoning | Tar Tapes Vol.2 – Life’s a Butter Dream/Elephants Walking Under God | Tar Tapes Vol.1 – The Wow Sound of Affable Mort